Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Don't be a Girl About it

Don't be a Girl About it is by Kelly Clarkson and fits well with what I plan to write about. 

This blog is about putting a reality check into your thick skull. Listen up folks of Ferguson. You’re causing a riot for something so stupid. Do you not realize when a crime is committed and you run or you attack a cop…… DUH! YOU’RE GOING TO GET SHOT! Your boy was in the wrong and got what he deserved. So, rioting the city is only going to make things worse for you. I really hope for your case that you enjoy prison food, but that’s all about what you’re getting for the next few years. Those that have yet to be caught: WAKE UP! STOP! And GO HOME!

So what he was black and he broke the law. I don’t care who you are but, breaking the law is going to get yourself into trouble. It’s not because of your race. It’s because you’re stupid! Grow up and walk away from this. You’re not winning this. Go home kiss your kids and be happy that you got the chance once again to see them. If you don’t have children or family. Get out there and make a change if you’re not happy with what is going on. If you really feel this kid wasn’t wrong do something, but putting others in danger shouldn’t be one of those. Brown’s parents said to stop and it’s sad that had no respect to honor that. Who’s side are you really on? 

Friday, November 21, 2014


The song is originally by Fiona Apple, but the one I am listening to is the cover done on American Horror Story Freak Show. Recently I really have really got into that song and Sarah Paulson does a great job.

Once again the topic isn't on the song or what the song is about. I think I would like to talk about something that I feel that needs to be said. I want to make it clear I love my gay friends and I love them very very much. This is not a bashing. This is a reality check.

Now, I understand you want stories on gay couples on the shows you like and there are tons out there that have them. I would list them all, but I won't. This is my for my gay friends and gay supporter friends that like Once Upon A Time. I would like to tell you to knock off the moaning and groaning about there not being a gay couple on Once Upon A Time. If the writers say that isn't what their show is about then you should either do one of two things.

Here are the options below:

1. Get a life and just enjoy the show for what it is.
2. Go watch something else. I hear Revenge is on soon after and once again get a life.

That is all and I repeat get a life. Let the real Once Upon A Time fans enjoy the show without hearing your moaning and groaning.

Happy Thanksgiving if I don't write before then.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What you want

This song is by Evanescence and one of my favorites of the newer CD.

So, I was told about blogger and I had it once before for my fan fiction writing. Though moved that to A friend from work told me blogger was better than Wordpress. I decided to just move some of my more poplar posts from wordpress over to here. My grammar isn't prefect, but I'm working on it. Usually, my worse is when I am tired from work and working on papers for class.

Now, I won't post everyday like most people do but I will post when I have time. I have my role playing and my school work. Oh and then there is Walmart. I would like to insert a major eye roll there.

That gets me to my rant. Who is the idiot that thought having Walmart open on Thanksgiving was a smart idea? What happened to being with your family? Eating till your sick and watching football right after? It's not fair to those that wish to have family time. Oh, but Walmart is a family store. Sorry for the language, but I call bull shit on that statement.  I would like put out the challenge to everyone out there to not shop on Thanksgiving. Think of all those folks that have to leave their family dinner and go to work.

If you can do the ice bucket challenge you can do this.

Good night folks and God bless to everyone.

A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)


This song is by Megadeth. Possibly a very powerful song. There are two versions of this song. One just Megadeth and the other with Cristina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil. Which the second is my favorite, because I love Lacuna Coil.
I do not know what to talk about today. So, I think this topic should be the song. Suicide.  I am not for it and I will never be someone for it.
Just a few months ago my little cousin almost tried this very thing. It was a very scary time for me and my family. It made me think of a time I almost tried the same thing. I was 18 years old and my aunt who I was living with at the time was pretty much on my case about everything. I started writing during that time and well I was writing a sequel to Labyrinth for the fun of it. Though at that time it was wrong for me to write about a Goblin King and it was demonic. Long story short it drove me to grab the knife and try to do myself in. My other aunt was there and grabbed the knife from me. I will never forget it. It pretty much haunts me how stupid I was. I thank everyday that she was there to stop me. I thank God for her being there. Thinking about my cousin doing this made me feel abit more sympathetic towards it. Before I found it stupid and would just have an attitude about it. Now, I’m less likely to feel that way.
To anyone that is feeling like they want to kill themselves. Please seek help from a professional or someone you trust. Sometimes professionals make it worse and it’s always best to go to those you trust most. For my therapy I always write it out and it makes me feel a ton better. For others it might me other things. TV, music, reading, or working out at the gym.
Don’t let petty things get you down. There are jerks everywhere and you don’t need to listen to them.

Jekyll & Hyde


The song is by a Christian group called Petra.
Once again the topic won’t be about the song. It’s going to be about role playing.
I love role playing. It’s a great way to practice your writing skills and learn new things from fellow role players. Though of course there are things that I don’t like and have me thinking is this really something I really want to keep doing. Well, for now I am not ready to quit, but the thought has crossed my mind.
Yesterday, I was addressed by a fellow role player who was complaining that I wasn’t on much or taking to long replying to our storyline. When I’m pretty sure I told this said person that I was having some real life problems. Not to mention I had other stories going. I usually don’t take that much time from role playing unless I am really down. This person really picked the wrong person to upset. When I am rushed I have a habit of taking a lot long on purpose. I am not in school anymore and I do not wish to be rushed. This is my down time and I wish for it to be for fun only. Not a job.
It’s annoying that I even have to write about this when I could mention something more fun.
My advice to you role players, Learn to wait or you will never get that great storyline.